September 2015
1 Title
a The title of the Association shall be the BATH – BEPPU Friendship Association,
herein after referred to as the Association.
2 Aims
a. In accordance with the partnership agreement signed between the Cities of
Bath and Beppu in 1994 the Friendship Association will take forward the
following aims
i To promote friendship between the residents and communities of Bath and
Beppu and support the development and nurturing of co-operation in such
areas as commerce, industry, economics, education, leisure, sports and
ii To support positively organisations and business within Bath and Beppu
and will use their best endeavours to create and maintain contact between
companies, associations and individuals in both cities.
iii To make an effort to develop mutual understanding based upon mutual
3 Membership
a Entitlement to Membership is by payment of an appropriate annual subscription
that is determined by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association. The
subscription becomes due within a calendar month from the date of application or
renewal of membership.
b The preferred method of payment is by Standing Order.
c Membership of the Association shall be open to all persons or organisations
subscribing to or having an interest in the aims of the Association. There shall be
three categories of membership:
i Individual Membership;
ii Family Membership – open to couples, or parent(s) with children under eighteen
iii Corporate & Organisation Membership – Corporate & Organisation membership
entitles two members of the organisation to the same rights conferred on individual
iiii 25%discount will be available to any individual wishing to join the association
who is already a member of a Twinning Association in B&NES
4 Contact
a Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the Association care of the
Mayor’s Office.
5 Liaison
a Liaison between the Friendship Association and the Charter Trustees of the City
of Bath is via the Mayor’s Office.
b The Association can approach the Charter Trustees on items of support.
c- The Association will foster links with other organisations
6 Organisation
a The organisational structure of the Friendship Association shall be determined by
its members to suit the cultural characteristics of the twinned cities and the
voluntary resources available to the Association. The adopted structure shall be
subject to occasional review in partnership with the Charter Trustees of the City of
b The President of the Twinning Association shall be the Mayor of Bath. The
President may attend meetings of the Twinning Association, but in a non-voting
c The core Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer and three ordinary members.
d The Association has the option of co-opting assistance from relevant third parties
or individuals engaged with the Association’s activities and/or aims in a non-voting
7 Annual General Meetings (AGMs), Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs),
and General Meetings (GMs)
a The AGM/EGM agenda is to be circulated to the members by email where
appropriate in advance at least 21 days before the date of the AGM or EGM.
b The core Officers of the Association shall be elected by members of the
Friendship Association present at the AGM.
c All individual members will have one vote per person whilst family and corporate
members will have two votes. Non-voting members can be invited to attend and
contribute to an item as listed on the published agenda prior to a vote being taken.
D The agenda for a GM shall be determined by the Chairman in consultation with at
least one other Officer and circulated 7 days before the date of the GM.
e The quorum for a meeting shall not be less than 5 registered members of the
Association including at least 2 Officers and are open to all members to attend.
f Proxy votes are not permitted.
g In the case of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have the option of a casting vote.
h- The preferred form of correspondence is via email.
8 Amendments to the Constitution
a The Constitution may be amended, subject to previous consultation within the
Twinning Forum and with the approval of the Charter Trustees of the City of Bath
and only at the AGM of the Association or an EGM called for that purpose.
Amendments need to be passed by a two-thirds majority of members of the
9 Finance
a The financial year for the Association is from 1st April in each year to the 31st
March of the following year.
b The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards
carrying out the aims of the Association as set out in this Constitution.
c Funding of the Association is by membership fees and other means.
d At each AGM an Auditor shall be appointed who is not a member of the
e At each AGM an audited income and expenditure account and balance sheet for
the previous year shall be presented.
f The Association shall have the power to invest any of the funds of the Association
through appropriate registered bodies.
g The Association’s grant giving and expenses policies and procedures shall be
agreed at the AGM.
H The Association shall have its own bank account(s).
I All cheque requests shall be signed by any two of the Officers of the Association.
10 Unforeseen Circumstances
a Any unforeseen questions not defined within this Constitution shall be arbitrated
upon by the GM, whose decision shall be accepted for the remainder of that year.
The question shall be made the subject of a proposition from the Officers and be
submitted to the next AGM for a final decision.
11. Dissolution of the Association
a In the event of the Association being dissolved, any property or monies remaining
after its debts and liabilities have been settled shall be for use on other friendship